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Twice a year, KYDS awards Jack Petchey Achievement Awards to deserving youth members. The awards are completely member led, chosen in an open nomination process by our youth members. Youth members nominate someone who they believe has demonstrated outstanding achievement. This could be someone that is a good role model, has overcome a personal challenge or helps others.
Following our recent production of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, we awarded two Jack Petchey Achievement Awards, one to Ellie Macey and one to Matthew Greed. Ellie and Matthew both received certificates and will be invited to the Jack Petchey Awards Ceremony at the beginning of 2018. Ellie and Matthew also have a £250 allocation each to spend on something that will benefit all of the members at KYDS.
Congratulations Ellie and Matthew on your fantastic achievements, which you should be very proud of! Some of the nominations received are shown below:
Ellie Macey
- I think that Ellie should win a Jack Petchey award because of how much she helps people when they join and also she contributes really good ideas to the group.
- She always helps people with dance routines.
- She is always memorising the dances and helping people who are struggling.
- Because she tries very hard in everything that she does and will go out of her way to help anyone to learn anything they might have missed.
- Because she has really helped me learn dance routines.
- Always puts lots of effort into rehearsals and a real role model for the younger kids when helping them to dance.
Matthew Greed
- Matthew has been very committed to KYDS over the years and he is always very enthusiastic so I think that he really deserves this award.
- For always helping out on choreography and with lines.
- I have nominated this person because he takes everything on – no matter what it is – and then puts as much effort in as possible. He doesn’t care if something he does pushes him back as long as others can achieve something instead.
- Always put a lot of effort into rehearsals and is always happy and helps others!
- He has been very supportive to the younger and less experienced members.
- Because he is full of excitement for every show. He always give his best no matter what and can deal with almost any situation in a calm and collective manner.
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