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KYDS is delighted that Bradley Cole, one of their Ambassadors, will be running the 2018 London Marathon for KYDS on the 22nd April.
Brad joined KYDS in 2009 for our very first production of Dracula Spectacular, where he played Father O’Stake. Brad also appeared in various other roles including as Widow Twonkey in Aladdin
Brad was also awarded the award for Best Young Actor by the North Essex Theatre Guild in 2011 for his performance as Fat Sam in Bugsy Malone.
Since then, Brad has studied acting and musical theatre and now works in the accounts team at local business DW Clark & Sons.
Brad said:
“Being a part of the group since 2009 (when the group was formed) I have come from performing myself in my younger days to now supporting and helping to put on productions in any way I can for the very talented bunch of kids that we have.
KYDS isn’t just a local drama group, it’s a family for both the kids and the adults that are a part of it! Being able to raise the money for this group will help it achieve some incredible things, like improving the quality of shows with scenery, equipment and props.”
Alexandra Berriman, KYDS Artistic Director, said:
“We’re really proud of Brad, he’s been training for this for months, alongside directing our next production of Oliver! which will be performed in Tiptree in June. We’re all looking forward to cheering Brad on in London in April!
We’re also hugely grateful to everyone that has sponsored Brad. If you haven’t already, please do make a donation and help Brad reach his target. Every penny will go towards the brilliant work that KYDS does with young people in the community.”
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Brad with his Best Young Actor award in 2011
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”https://kyds.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/IMG_6482.jpg” _builder_version=”3.0.101″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.101″]Ready, set, go! Brad with youth members of KYDS
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